S3Express: Amazon S3 Command Line Utility

Amazon S3 command line utility for Windows. Copy, query, backup multiple files to S3 using the Windows command line.

S3Express FAQ and Knowledge Base

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Known Errors with Solutions
 Error "400 - AuthorizationHeaderMalformed - The authorization header is malformed; Invalid credential date. Date is not the same as X-Amz-Date."
 Error 51 when accessing S3 buckets with periods (.) in the name
 InvalidRequest - The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.

Known Errors with Solutions

Error "400 - AuthorizationHeaderMalformed - The authorization header is malformed; Invalid credential date. Date is not the same as X-Amz-Date."


When accessing Amazon S3, S3Express reports the error "400 - AuthorizationHeaderMalformed - The authorization header is malformed; Invalid credential date. Date is not the same as X-Amz-Date."


Please upgrade S3Express to version 1.5.10 or newer. Upgrading is free if you already purchased a license for S3Express version 1, see : www.s3express.com/kb/item29.htm

Error 51 when accessing S3 buckets with periods (.) in the name


When accessing Amazon S3 buckets with periods (.) in the name, S3Express reports error "51 - SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name".

This error is caused by validation failure of the SSL certificate for the Amazon S3 servers.


Upgrade S3Express to version 1.5.4 or newer. Upgrading is free if you already purchased a license for S3Express version 1, see: www.s3express.com/kb/item29.htm

InvalidRequest - The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.


When accessing Amazon S3 buckets that are located in the new AWS Germany (Frankfurt) region, S3Express reports the error "400 - InvalidRequest - The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256."


The new AWS signature version 4 is required to access buckets in the new AWS Germany (Frankfurt) region. Please upgrade S3Express to version 1.5.5 or newer. Upgrading is free if you already purchased a license for S3Express version 1, see : www.s3express.com/kb/item29.htm

 A printable version of the entire FAQ and Knowledge Base is also available.
 For further queries, please contact us by e-mail at support@s3express.com