Filter conditions are expressions that can evaluate to true or false.
They are used to filter objects for commands that support the flag -cond:"FILTER", such as ls, setacl, setmeta, put, del.
size = 10 (true if file's size is 10 bytes)
<> , !=
Not equal
year != 2013 (true if file's year is not equal to 2013)
month <> 1 (true if file's month is not equal to 1)
> , >=, <, <=
Greater than, greater than or equal, smaller than, smaller than or equal
sizemb >= 20 AND sizemb <= 30 (true if file's size in MB is between 20 and 30)
+ , - , * , /
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
hour + 10 < 20 (true if file's hour plus 10 equal 20)
Modulo operation: finds the remainder of division of one number by another
curr_day % 2 = 0 (true on even days)
curr_day % 2 = 1 (true on odd days)
curr_day % 5 = 0 (true every 5 days)
Logical operators. Group parenthesis for precedence.
sizemb > 5 AND (year < 2010 OR year > 2013)
True if a value is contained in a list of values. The list of values must be enclosed in { } and each value separated by ; or ,
For text values, * can be used a wildcard to match any text.
day isoneof {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} (true if file's day is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8)
month isoneof {1;3;7;12} (true if file's month is 1,3,7 or 12)
name isoneof {'*.css','*.ini'} (true if file's name matches *.css or *.ini)
True if a value is NOT contained in a list of values. The list of values must be enclosed in { } and each value separated by ; or ,
day isnotoneof {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} (true if day is not 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8)
name isnotoneof {'*.css','*.ini'} (true if file's name does not match *.css or *.ini)
True if a text value contains another text value
name contains 'ab' (true if file's name contains 'ab'. Note that comparison is case insensitive)
True if a text value starts with another text value
s3_name starts_with 'A' (true if S3 file's name starts with 'A' or 'a', comparison is case insensitive)
True if a text value ends with another text value
s3_name ends_with 'Z' (true if S3 file's name ends with 'Z' or 'z', comparison is case insensitive)
True if a text value matches another text value. Using * matches any text at that location
name matches '*.txt' OR name matches '*.jpg'
True if a text value matches another text value using regular expression syntax.
name regex_matches '^A(.*)|^B(.*)' (true if file's name starts with 'A' or 'B', match is case sensitive, using regular expressions)
name regex_matches '(?i)^A(.*)|^B(.*)' (true if file's name starts with 'A', 'B', 'a' or 'b'. (?i) makes the match case insensitive)
Local File Variable
The file's day of the month, in the range 1 through 31
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"day = 15 OR dayofweek = 1" (upload all files in c:\folder\ that were lastly modified on the 15th day of the month or on the first day of the week)
The file's month of the year, in the range 1 through 12 (1 = January, 12 = December)
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"month = 1" (upload all files in c:\folder\ that were lastly modified date in January)
The file's year, 1970 to 2038
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"year <> 2012" (upload all files in c:\folder\ that were not lastly modified in 2012)
The file's date: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
date = '2012-04-03' (true if file's date is '2012-04-03')
date matches '2012-04-*' (true if file's date is in April 2012)
Note that date is a text value and values must be surrounded by two '
The file's time: 'HH:MM:SS'
time matches '08:12:10' (true if file's time matches '08:12:10')
The file's hour, in the range 0 through 23
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"hour >= 0 AND hour <= 7" (upload all files in c:\folder\ that were lastly modified between midnight and 7:59 am)
The file's minute, in the range 0 through 59
put c:\folder\*.jpg mybucket -cond:"minute >= 30" (upload all JPG files in c:\folder\ that were lastly modified in the second half of each hour)
The file's second, in the range 0 through 59
put c:\folder\*.jpg mybucket -cond:"second >= 30" (upload all JPG files in c:\folder\ that were lastly modified in the second half of each minute)
The file's day of the week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. to 6 = Saturday)
dayofweek = 0 (true if file's modified timestamp is on a Sunday).
dayofweek = 0 OR dayofweek = 6 (true for Sundays and Saturdays).
dayofweek <> 1 (true if file's day of week is not Monday).
The file's day of the year. Number from 1 to 366
dayofyear = 32 (true if file's modified timestamp is on 1st of February)
dayofyear % 2 = 0 (true file's modified timestamp is on even days)
The file's week number (ISO 8601)
weeknumber = 32 (true if file's timestamp is on the 32nd week of the year)
The file's end of month's date: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
endofmonth = "2012-04-30" (true if file's timestamp is in April 2012)
endofmonth matches "*-*-30" (true if file's timestamp is in a month with 30 days)
The file's age in months.
put c:\folder\*.jpg mybucket -cond:"age_months > 6" (upload all JPG files in c:\folder\ that were lastly modified more than 6 months ago)
The file's age in days.
put c:\folder\*.gif mybucket -cond:"age_days < 21" (upload all GIF files in c:\folder\ that were lastly modified less than 21 days ago)
The file's age in hours.
age_hours > 1 (true if file is more than 1 hour old)
The file's age in minutes.
age_mins <= 30 (true if file is less than 30 minutes old)
The file's age in seconds.
age_secs >= 2000 (true if file is more than 2000 seconds old)
Local file name
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"name starts_with 'a'" (upload all files in c:\folder\ whose name starts with 'a')
Local file path (includes folder)
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"path contains '\subfolder\'" (upload all files in c:\folder\ whose path contains '\subfolder\', e.g. in the subfolder 'subfolder')
Local file extension
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"extension <> '.db'" (upload all files in c:\folder\ with file extension different from '.db')
Local file stem (file name without extension)
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"stem <> 'Read'" (upload all files in c:\folder\ with file stem different from 'read'. Note that <> is case sensitive)
File size in bytes
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"size > 20000" (upload all files in c:\folder\ whose size is larger than 20000 bytes)
File size in Kilobytes (KiB)
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"sizeKB > 200" (upload all files in c:\folder\ whose size is larger than 200 Kilobytes)
File size in Megabytes
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"sizeMB < 100" (upload all files in c:\folder\ whose size is smaller than 100 Megabytes)
md5 (or etag)
MD5 of the file (also referred to as 'etag')
put c:\folder\ mybucket -cond:"md5 <> s3_md5" (upload all files in c:\folder\ whose MD5 value , i.e. etag, is different from the MD5 value, i.e. etag, of the corresponding file on S3)
File Time / Date Variables
The S3 object's day of the month, in the range 1 through 31
ls mybucket\folder\ -cond:"s3_day = 15" (list all files in c:\folder\ that were lastly modified on the 15th day of the month)
The S3 object's month of the year, in the range 1 through 12 (1 = January, 12 = December)
del mybucket -s -cond:"s3_month = 1" (recursively delete all files in bucket 'mybucket' that were lastly modified in a January)
The S3 object's year, 1970 to 2038
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_year <> 2012" (list all files in mybucket that were not lastly modified in 2012)
The S3 object's date: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
s3_date = '2012-04-03' (true if S3 file's date is '2012-04-03')
s3_date matches '2012-04-*' (true if S3 file's date is in April 2012)
Note that s3_date is a text value and values must be surrounded by two '
The S3 object's time: 'HH:MM:SS'
s3_time matches '08:12:10' (true if file's time matches '08:12:10')
The S3 object's hour, in the range 0 through 23
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_hour > 8" (list all files in mybucket that were lastly modified after 8)
The S3 object's minute, in the range 0 through 59
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_minute < 30 " (list all files in mybucket that were lastly modified in the first half of the hour)
The S3 object's second, in the range 0 through 59
del mybucket -s -cond:"s3_second % 2 = 0" (recursively delete all files in mybucket that were lastly modified on an even second)
The S3 object's day of the week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. to 6 = Saturday)
del mybucket -s -cond:"s3_dayofweek = 1" (recursively delete all files in bucket 'mybucket' that were lastly modified on a Monday)
The S3 object's day of the year. Number from 1 to 366
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_dayofyear = 100" (recursively list all files in bucket 'mybucket' that were lastly modified on the 100th day of a year)
The S3 object's week number (ISO 8601)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_weeknumber = 22" (recursively list all files in bucket 'mybucket' that were lastly modified on the 22nd week of a year)
The S3 object's end of month's date: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
s3_endofmonth = "2012-04-30" (true if S3 file's timestamp is in April 2012)
s3_endofmonth matches "*-*-30" (true if S3 file's timestamp is in a month with 30 days)
The S3 object's age in months.
ls mybucket\folder\*.txt -cond:"s3_age_months > 6" (list all S3 files with extension txt in mybucket\folder\ that are older than 6 months)
The S3 object's age in days.
ls mybucket\folder\*.txt -cond:"s3_age_days < 31" (list all S3 files with extension txt in mybucket\folder\ that are newer than 31 days)
The S3 object's age in hours.
ls mybucket -cond:"s3_age_hours > 1" (list all S3 files in mybucket that are older than 1 hour)
The S3 object's age in minutes.
del mybucket\folder\ -cond:"s3_age_mins < 30" (delete all S3 files in mybucket\folder\ that are newer than 30 minutes)
The S3 object's age in seconds.
ls mybucket\folder\*.txt -cond:"s3_age_secs > 90" (list all S3 files with extension txt in mybucket\folder\ that are older than 90 seconds)
S3 object's name
ls mybucket\folder\*.txt -cond:"s3_name regex_matches '^A(.*)|^B(.*)'" (list S3 txt files that have file name starting with 'A' or 'B', match is case sensitive, using regular expressions. Use (?i) marker, e.g. (?i)^A(.*)|^B(.*) to make the regular expression case-insensitive)
S3 object's path (includes folder)
ls *.htm -s -cond:"s3_path contains '/subfol/'" (list all S3 htm files in all buckets that are in a subfolder called 'subfol')
S3 object's extension
ls -s -cond:"s3_extension = '.htm'" (list all S3 htm files in all buckets)
S3 object's stem (name without extension)
ls -s -cond:"s3_stem = 'check'" (list all S3 files with stem matching check. Stem = file name without extension. Operator = is case sensitive)
S3 object's size in bytes
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_size>0" (list all S3 files in bucket mybucket that are larger than 0 bytes)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_size=0" (list all empty S3 files in bucket mybucket)
S3 object's size in Kilobytes (KiB)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_sizeKB>1000" (list all S3 files in bucket mybucket that are larger than 1000 Kilobytes)
S3 object's size in Megabytes
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_sizeKB>100" (list all S3 files in bucket mybucket that are larger than 100 Megabytes)
s3_md5 (or s3_etag)
S3 object's MD5 (also referred to as 'etag')
put * mybucket -s -cond:"etag <> s3_etag" (upload all files in current folder and subfolders to bucket mybucket if their etag is different from the corresponding S3 etag)
S3 object's owner
del mybucket -s -cond:"s3_owner = 'Marc'" (delete all files in mybucket whose owner is 'Marc')
S3 object's owner ID
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_owner_id = '1234ABCD'" (list all files in mybucket whose owner ID is ''1234ABCD'')
S3 object's storage class
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_storage_class = 'STANDARD'" (list all files in mybucket with storage class 'STANDARD')
True if S3 object is a directory, false otherwise
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_is_directory = true" (list all directories in mybucket)
True if S3 object exists, false otherwise
put * mybucket -s -cond:"s3_exists = false" (upload all files in current folder and subfolders to S3 bucket mybucket only if they do not already exist on S3)
S3 object's version ID
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_version_ID <> '' " (list all objects in mybucket that have a version ID)
True if an object is the latest version of an object in a versioning enabled bucket
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_is_latest_version = true" (list all latest versions of objects in mybucket. This requires mybucket to be versioning enabled)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_is_latest_version = false" (list all previous versions of objects. This requires mybucket to be versioning enabled)
delete mybucket/* -s -cond:"s3_is_latest_version = false" (delete all previous versions of all objects in mybucket. This requires mybucket to be versioning enabled)
Contains the previous version number, e.g. the last previous version of an object is the number 1, then 2, 3, etc.
del mybucket/* -s -cond:"s3_prev_version_number > 3" (delete previous versions of an object from the fourth version higher. If an object has only 1, 2 or 3 previous versions, then those previous versions are not deleted. This requires mybucket to be versioning enabled)
True if object is a delete marker in a versioning enabled bucket
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_is_delete_marker = true" (list all delete markers in mybucket. This requires mybucket to be versioning enabled)
S3 object's cache-control header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"cache_control = ''" (list all files in mybucket that do not have a cache-control header)
The S3 object's max-age value as specified in the cache-control header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"max-age > 0 " (list all files in mybucket that have max-age in the cache-control header greater than zero)
S3 object's content-type header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"content-type = 'text/html'" (list all files in mybucket that have the content-type header set to 'text/html')
S3 object's encryption header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"x-amz-server-side-encryption = 'AES256" (list all files in mybucket that have the x-amz-server-side-encryption header set to 'AES256')
S3 object's redirect location header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"x-amz-website-redirect-location = '/page2.htm'" (list all files in mybucket that have the x-amz-website-redirect-location header set to '/page2.htm')
S3 object's version ID header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"x-amz-version-id = 'value'" (list all files in mybucket that have the x-amz-version-id header set to 'value')
S3 object's expiration header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"x-amz-expiration = 'value'" (list all files in mybucket that have the x-amz-expiration header set to 'value')
True if S3 objects has an expiration x-amz-expiration header, e.g. it expires
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_object_expires = true" (list all files in mybucket that are set to expire at some date in the future)
expiry_date, expiry_year, expiry_month, expiry_day, expiry_dayofweek, expiry_dayofyear, expiry_endofmonth, expiry_weeknumber, expiry_hour, expiry_minute, expiry_second, expiry_time, expiry_timestamp
If a S3 object has an expiry time and date set in the x-amz-expiration header, then these values contain the expiry date (format: YYYY-MM-DD), year (YYYY), month (1 to 12), day (1 to 31), day of week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. to 6 = Saturday), day of year (1 to 366), end of month (YYYY-MM-DD), week number (ISO 8601), hour (0 to 23), minute (0 to 59), second (0 to 59), time (HH:MM:SS) and timestamp (total seconds since epoch)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"expiry_weeknumber = 10" (list all objects in mybucket that will expire in week 10)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"expiry_month = 5 and expiry_year = 2015" (list all objects in mybucket that will expire in May 2015)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"(expiry_month > 5 and expiry_year = 2015) or expiry_year > 2015" (list all objects in mybucket that will expire after May 2015)
expiry_months, expiry_days, expiry_hours, expiry_mins, expiry_secs
If a S3 object has an expiry time and date set in the x-amz-expiration header, then these values contain the number of months, days, hours, minutes and seconds until the object expires
ls mybucket -s -cond:"expiry_months < 10" (list all objects in mybucket that will expire in less than 10 months)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"expiry_days > 100" (list all objects in mybucket that will expire in more than 100 days)
S3 object's restore header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"x-amz-restore = 'value'" (list all objects in mybucket that have the x-amz-restore header set to 'value')
True if a Glacier object is restored or being restored, e.g. the x-amz-restore header is not empty
ls mybucket -s -cond:"glacier_restored = true" (list all Glacier objects in mybucket that are restored)
True if a Glacier object is currently being restored to S3 after a restore request
ls mybucket -s -cond:"restore_ongoing_request = true" (list all Glacier objects in mybucket that are currently being restored to S3)
restore_expiry_date, restore_expiry_year, restore_expiry_month, restore_expiry_day, restore_expiry_dayofweek, restore_expiry_dayofyear, restore_expiry_endofmonth, restore_expiry_weeknumber, restore_expiry_hour, restore_expiry_minute, restore_expiry_second, restore_expiry_time, restore_expiry_timestamp
If a restored S3 Glacier object has a restore expiry time and date set in the x-amz-restore header, then these values contain the restore expiry date (format: YYYY-MM-DD), year (YYYY), month (1 to 12), day (1 to 31), day of week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. to 6 = Saturday), day of year (1 to 366), end of month (YYYY-MM-DD), week number (ISO 8601), hour (0 to 23), minute (0 to 59), second (0 to 59), time (HH:MM:SS) and timestamp (total seconds since epoch)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"restore_expiry_month = 12 and expiry_year = 2015" (list all restored Glacier objects in mybucket that will expire in December 2015)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"(restore_expiry_month > 5 and restore_expiry_year = 2015) or restore_expiry_year > 2015" (list all Glacier restored objects in mybucket that will expire after December 2015)
restore_expiry_months, restore_expiry_days, restore_expiry_hours, restore_expiry_mins, restore_expiry_secs
If a restored S3 Glacier object has a restore expiry time and date set in the x-amz-expiration header, then these values contain the number of months, days, hours, minutes and seconds until the object restore expires
ls mybucket -s -cond:"restore_expiry_days < 1" (list all restored Glacier objects in mybucket that will expire in less than 1 day)
ls mybucket -s -cond:"restore_expiry_days > 100" (list all restored Glacier objects in mybucket that will expire in more than 100 days)
S3 object's custom metadata header
ls mybucket -s -cond:"x-amz-meta-mycustomheader = 'myvalue'" (list all files in mybucket that have the x-amz-meta-mycustomheader header set to ''myvalue'')
S3 object's acl. Different users are separated by |
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_acl contains 'marc'" (list all files in mybucket that have an ACL set for 'marc')
True if S3 object's acl is set to private, false otherwise
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_acl_is_private = true" (list all private files in mybucket)
True if S3 object's acl is set to public read, false otherwise
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_acl_is_public_read = true" (list all public-read files in mybucket)
True if S3 object's acl is set to public read and write, false otherwise
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_acl_is_public_read_write = true" (list all public-read-write files in mybucket)
S3 object's specific user acl
ls mybucket -s -cond:"s3_acl_marc contains = 'write'" (list all files in mybucket which mark can write)
Time Variables
The current day of the month, in the range 1 through 31
curr_day = 15 OR curr_dayofweek = 1 (true on Mondays or on the 15th of every month).
The current month of the year, in the range 1 through 12 (1 = January, 12 = December)
curr_month = 1 (true in January).
The current year, 1970 to 2038
curr_year <> 2012 (true if the current year is not 2012).
Today's date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
curr_date = '2013-04-03' (true if date is 2013-04-03)
curr_date matches '2012-04-*' (true in April 2012)
Today's time: "HH:MM:SS"
curr_time matches '08:1*:*' (true if the current time is in the first 10 minutes of the 8th hour)
The current hour, in the range 0 through 23
curr_hour >= 0 AND curr_hour <= 7 (true between midnight and 7:59 am).
The current minute, in the range 0 through 59
curr_minute >= 30 (true in the second half of each hour).
The current second, in the range 0 through 59
curr_second >= 30 (true in the second half of each minute).
Current day of the week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. to 6 = Saturday)
curr_dayofweek = 0 (true on Sundays).
curr_dayofweek = 0 OR curr_dayofweek = 6 (true on Sundays and Saturdays).
curr_dayofweek <> 1 (true if day of week is not Monday).
Current day of the year. Number from 1 to 366
curr_dayofyear = 32 (true on the 1st of February)
curr_dayofyear % 2 = 0 (true on even days)
Current week number (ISO 8601)
curr_weeknumber = 32 (true on the 32nd week of the year)
Current end of month's date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
curr_endofmonth = '2012-04-30' (true in April 2012)
curr_endofmonth matches '*-*-30' (true if today's month has 30 days)
Returns the text value of the environment variable VariableName
get_env('username') = 'administrator'
Converts Text to lowercase
ls -s -cond:"to_lower(s3_extension) = '.htm'" (list all S3 htm files in all buckets, also if they have extension in uppercase .HTM)
Returns true if Text is lower case, false otherwise
ls -s -cond:"is_lowercase(s3_path) = false" (list all objects in all buckets that are not lower case)
pad(Text, Length, Char)
Left pads Text with Char up to Length
pad(s3_month, 2, '0') returns s3_month with 0 padding, i.e. 1 becomes 01, 2 becomes 02, etc, but 12 remains 12.
concat(Text1, Text2)
Concatenates two text strings into one
concat(concat(s3_year, pad(s3_month, 2, '0')), pad(s3_day, 2, '0'))
mid(Text, Start, End)
Returns part of Text between Start and End
mid('Sydney', 3, 2) returns 'dn'
mid('Sydney', 1, 5) returns 'Sydne'
mid('Sydney', 4, 100) returns 'ney'
Returns the numerical value of Text
value(mid('max-age=2000',9,0)) > 1999 returns true
value('2000') returns 2000
extract(Text, Regex)
Extracts part of text from Text using regular expression Regex
extract('Max-age=2000', 'max-age *= *(.*)') returns '2000'
extract_value(Text1, Text2)
Extracts Text2 value from Text1
extract_value('max-age=2000', 'max-age') returns 2000
extract_value('private, max-age=20, no-cache', 'max-age') returns 20