getacl (show object's ACL)

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getacl [BUCKET_NAME]/[FOLDER]/OBJECT [-showacl:ACL] [-xml] [-version:ID]

Shows S3 ACL associated with an object. To show the ACL of multiple objects, use the ls command.






Name of the bucket, folder and object to show ACL for.

getacl file.txt (shows ACL of 'file.txt' at current S3 working location, see cd command for setting working location)


getacl mybucket/folder/file.txt (shows ACL of object 'mybucket/folder/file.txt')


getacl "mybucket/folder/object name with space.txt" (shows ACL of object 'mybucket/folder/object name with space.txt'. Note that surrounding quotation marks are needed to specify names with spaces)


getacl ../file.txt (shows ACL of object 'file.txt' in parent folder)




Only include specified ACL permissions in the output. Wildcard character can be used (i.e. * and ?). Multiple ACLs should be separated by |. If this flag is not specified, by default, all object ACL are shown.

getacl object.txt -showacl:* (include all object.txt ACL permissions in the output)


getacl object.txt -showacl:allusers (include object.txt AllUsers ACL object permissions in the output)


getacl object.txt -showacl:user (include object.txt user ACL object permissions in the output)


getacl object.txt -showacl:user|allusers (include object.txt user and alluser ACL object permissions in the output)


Output ACL in raw XML format.

getacl object.txt -xml


Show the ACL associated with a specific version of the object.

getacl object.txt -version:23444411 (show ACL of object.txt, object version ID 23444411)


To show the ACL of multiple objects, use the ls command.